Creating a local domain name
When creating a new website is useful to create a local domain name for it too, so that you can use links like /css/style.css. This makes is easier to deploy to your real domain name later.
I like to use a .loc suffix for my local sites.Here’s a bash script that automates the entire process:
#!/bin/bash # # @author # # Configures a local domain on debian machines with apache # Adds the domain to /etc/hosts # Creates the apache domain configuration # Enables the site and restarts apache PROG_NAME=$(basename $0) DOMAIN=$1 FOLDER=$2 DOMAIN_SUFFIX=.loc FULL_DOMAIN="$DOMAIN$DOMAIN_SUFFIX" if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then # check both domain name and folder are present echo "Usage: $0 site_name domain_name domain_folder" exit fi if [ "$EUID" -ne 1 ]; then echo "Please execute as root user" echo "Usage: sudo $0 site_name domain_name domain_folder" exit fi echo "Creating local domain $FULL_DOMAIN" echo " $FULL_DOMAIN" >> /etc/hosts # Now create the apache configuration APACHE_FOLDER=/etc/apache2/sites-available/ CONF_SUFFIX=.conf APACHE_CONFIG_FILE="$APACHE_FOLDER$FULL_DOMAIN$CONF_SUFFIX" touch $APACHE_CONFIG_FILE echo "<VirtualHost *:80>" >> $APACHE_CONFIG_FILE echo " ServerName $FULL_DOMAIN" >> $APACHE_CONFIG_FILE echo " DocumentRoot $FOLDER" >> $APACHE_CONFIG_FILE echo " <Directory $FOLDER>" >> $APACHE_CONFIG_FILE echo " Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews" >> $APACHE_CONFIG_FILE echo " AllowOverride All" >> $APACHE_CONFIG_FILE echo " Order deny,allow" >> $APACHE_CONFIG_FILE echo " Allow from all" >> $APACHE_CONFIG_FILE echo " </Directory>" >> $APACHE_CONFIG_FILE echo "</VirtualHost>" >> $APACHE_CONFIG_FILE echo "a2ensite $APACHE_CONFIG_FILE" a2ensite $FULL_DOMAIN$CONF_SUFFIX service apache2 reload # Create an html folder and initial index.php file INDEX_FILENAME=index.php FULL_INDEX_FILENAME=$FOLDER$INDEX_FILENAME if [ -d "$FOLDER" ]; then echo "$FOLDER already exists ..." else echo "Creating $FOLDER and index.php ..." mkdir $FOLDER touch $FULL_INDEX_FILENAME echo "<!DOCTYPE html>" >> $FULL_INDEX_FILENAME echo "<head><title>Holding page for $FULL_DOMAIN</title></head>" >> $FULL_INDEX_FILENAME echo "<body><h1>$FULL_DOMAIN coming soon!</h1></body>" >> $FULL_INDEX_FILENAME fi chmod -R 755 $FOLDER echo "You should now be able to read http://$FULL_DOMAIN in your browser." echo "Thats all, folks"